The Adolescence


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What a wonderful duality: the effervescence of youth and the wisdom of the mature being are ever present in us in this new time of flight.
Channel the fire of this inner movement in us… and in them, when we sit in the passage between two worlds, two periods, from childhood to adulthood, from recklessness (unconsciousness) to responsibility (conscience), there is no age!
Yourself you will feel the momentum of the teenager who wakes up and wants to change the world. And the world is, first and foremost, your inner world.
You’ll want to reorganize, to transform, to lighten, it to be of peace and effervescence.
And as the teenager, at times, you will be exhausted without have started the change and building your new inner world.
You will feel, in parallel, the insecurities to this double opening and contraction movement: you will find your seats, your attachments, you will seek to strengthen you, to justify in you fatigue and exhaustion …
The heat, the wellness of the wise man, one who knows, who feels, he only has to land on the foundation of his heart, the wise man in you, the voice of light, the soul, will be heard by a feeling of well-being and the voice of the spirit of consciousness you simply propose not to react.
Create the peace despite moments of fatigue and doubt, and in all this ambiguity, make sure that the doubt away you from pride.
So from your memories which emerges, from your shadows and your fears
which shaking you, know that life force and conviction of who you are
will ensure you find the way, and you will have more joy than
if you let yourself be absorbed by your fears.
This duality makes you face yourself …
What will you see in this face to face with yourself? A being bruised and frightened, or a being who is love and looking for love?

Look beyond appearances!
Be in love!


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